If we haven’t met before - Hey, my name’s Nicholas.
I started learning to trade in 2002, after picking up a copy of City Trader from the bargain bucket at my local game shop. The game was terrible and I knew absolutely nothing about trading, but somehow it ignited a passion in me.
I became obsessed and wanted to learn everything I could about the markets. I read every book I could get my hands on, and spent countless hours enthusiastically learning every concept, technique, and strategy I could find.
Learning these things wasn’t so difficult, but profiting from them was a massive challenge. It was frustrating to spend months mastering strategies that only resulted in losses.
It seemed like none of them had a logical basis for why they work or what they're identifying. It was always some ambiguous statement about 'market psychology' or simply, "it just works".
But I wanted to succeed at trading, so I was ready to dig deep to figure out how to read the markets, find precise opportunities, and achieve profitable results.

I decided to objectively test everything I’d learned - ruthlessly rejecting anything that didn't work, and keeping what did. Trying to find some logic that would give me more precision. But what I found was shocking.
When I objectively tested these strategies and techniques (including some of the most popular ones) without confirmation bias... they were no better than just flipping a coin and hoping for the best!
But this process helped me to discover consistent behaviours in certain price movements. Without realising, I was taking a first principles approach to understand why markets move the way they do.
It took me several years to refine those discoveries into my own trading approach. But finally, my results began to improve. By the time I graduated university and started my career in banking, I was already making more money from my trading on the side than I was from my full-time job.
In 2012 (10 years after I started), I gained around £100,000 in private funding and made over £400,000 in profits. That was my sign to leave my career in banking to focus on trading full-time.
Since then, I’ve been fortunate enough to work with some of the best in the business. I collaborated with a successful physicist to refine our unique market theory and developed an algorithmic trading system. I've consulted at top financial institutions, guest lectured at UK universities, and traded more money than ever before.
These days, I wake up in the morning excited to start work. I love the challenge of the markets and the flexibility it gives me. I get the chance to improve the lives of people around me, and help other people do the same. It's been over 20 years since I started this journey, and my passion for trading only gets stronger.
I think it’s fair to say that trading has completely changed my life.
And I absolutely believe that if you give it your full commitment, use the right method, and follow the right development structure, trading can change your life too.
So how can you do it? How can you start finding precise trade opportunities and achieve impressively profitable results? Well, it’s actually quite simple…